Friday, 21 April 2017

How to read configuration data in plugins using secure configurations?

Recently, we deployed some custom SharePoint integration with Dynamics CRM which required some custom coding. As usual, we wanted to connect to different Dynamics CRM environments (DEV, TEST, UAT, PROD, etc.). Every time we deployed, we didn’t want to change the code so that it can connect to the correct SharePoint site.

To achieve this there are few options available and we used the Secure Configuration feature available with Plugin Registration tool. There you provide all the configurations like site URLs, usernames, passwords, etc., in XML format and you can access them within the constructor of your plugin.

Your plugin registration will look like this; inside secure configurations box you enter your configurations in xml format.

Your configurations XML would look like this:

  <setting name="siteURL">
  <setting name="DocumentLibName">
  <setting name="SPOUserName">
  <setting name="SPOpassword">
  <setting name="Case_DocLibPath">
  <setting name="Case_Type_Hidden_StaticName">
  <setting name="ContentTypeId">

Here in the constructor of the plugin, you can read the settings you set in the Secure Configuration XML.

public OnUpdateOfCase(string unsecureConfig, string secureConfig)
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
            siteURL = SecureConfigHelper.GetConfigDataString(doc, "siteURL");
            DocumentLibName = SecureConfigHelper.GetConfigDataString(doc, "DocumentLibName");
            SPOUserName = SecureConfigHelper.GetConfigDataString(doc, "SPOUserName");
            SPOpassword = SecureConfigHelper.GetConfigDataString(doc, "SPOpassword");
            Case_DocLibPath = SecureConfigHelper.GetConfigDataString(doc, "Case_DocLibPath");
            Case_Type_Hidden_StaticName = SecureConfigHelper.GetConfigDataString(doc, "Case_Type_Hidden_StaticName");
            ContentTypeId = SecureConfigHelper.GetConfigDataString(doc, "ContentTypeId");


How to read configuration data from an xml web resource via a Plug-in or Custom workflow activity?

URLs) in a single location without repeating them in all Java Scripts or plugins so that all your form scripts and plug-ins can access them.

This way you need to change those variables in only one location when you go from one environment to the other (i.e. Dev to Test and UAT etc.)

In an earlier post I discussed how to access these configurations in Java Scripts. So here I am going to write how to do it in plugins or custom workflow activity.

Let’s say you have created an XML web resource named new_ApiConfiguration.xml.
And assume your web resource looks like this:


And you can access these configurations inside you custom plugins or workflow activities by using the below method.

Declare the variables on top.

string CreateApiUrl;
string UpdateApiUrl;
string ExpireApiUrl;

private void ReadWebResourceAndGetData()
   QueryExpression query = new QueryExpression
     EntityName = "webresource",
         ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("name""content"),
         Criteria = new FilterExpression
             Conditions =   {
                       new ConditionExpression
                            AttributeName = "name",
                            Operator = ConditionOperator.Equal,
                            Values = { "new_ApiConfiguration.xml"}
          EntityCollection ec = service.RetrieveMultiple(query);
          if (ec.Entities[0].Attributes.Count > 0)
              WebResource webResource = null;
              string webResourceContent = string.Empty;
              webResource = (WebResource)ec.Entities[0];
              if (webResource.Attributes.Contains("content"))
                 byte[] binary = Convert.FromBase64String(webResource.Attributes["content"].ToString());
                 webResourceContent = UnicodeEncoding.UTF8.GetString(binary);
              if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(webResourceContent))
                 XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();
                 XmlNodeList xnList = xml.SelectNodes("CreateApiUrl");
                 if (xnList.Count > 0)
                     CreateApiUrl = xnList[0].InnerText;                       
                 xnList = xml.SelectNodes("UpdateApiUrl");
                 if (xnList.Count > 0)
                     UpdateApiUrl = xnList[0].InnerText;
                 xnList = xml.SelectNodes("ExpireApiUrl");
                 if (xnList.Count > 0)
                     ExpireApiUrl = xnList[0].InnerText;

Remember to change the name of the web resource to your web resource name.

This way when you deploy solutions from one environment to the other you don’t need to go and change your configurations in hundred places.

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

How to read configuration data from an xml web resource via JavaScript?

There are situations where you need to keep some environment specific configuration data (e.g. URLs) in a single location without repeating them in all scripts so that all your form scripts can access them.

This way you need to change those variables in only one location when you go from one environment to the other (i.e. Dev to Test and UAT etc.)

Let’s say you have created an XML web resource named new_ApiConfiguration.xml.
And assume your web resource looks like this:


And you can access these configurations inside you custom form scripts by calling the following function.

Declare the variables on top and call the function.

var CreateApiUrl;
var UpdateApiUrl;
var ExpireApiUrl;

function GetWebApiConfigurations() {   
    var serverUrl = Xrm.Page.context.getClientUrl();
    var xmlConfigPath = serverUrl + "/WebResources/new_ApiConfiguration.xml";
    var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", xmlConfigPath, false);
    var doc = xmlHttp.responseXML;
    CreateApiUrl = doc.getElementsByTagName("CreateApiUrl")[0].textContent;
    UpdateApiUrl = doc.getElementsByTagName("UpdateApiUrl")[0].textContent;
    ExpireApiUrl = doc.getElementsByTagName("ExpireApiUrl")[0].textContent;

Remember to change the name of the web resource to your web resource name.

This way when you deploy solutions from one environment to the other you don’t need to go and change your configurations in hundred places.

See this post to know how to achieve this via C# code (Plug-ins of custom workflow activity)

How to tackle Concurrent Business Process flows

Dynamics 365 has introduced the new feature of Concurrent Business Process Flows. Here is a couple of good articles on that: http://dev...